Don't know if there's any one who even still looks at this, but....I'll give it a shot.
Yes, it's been a long time since I've been here. Life has been crazy~ I'm sure you can't even begin to relate(watch out for dripping sarcasm). Yes, life is crazy for all of us, some of us just manage it better than others.
So for those of you who prayed for my nephew, Adam, he passed away just over a month ago. In fact, a month ago today we were at his calling hours(wake, for some of you). It just seems so surreal.
So, I started cleaning at my church this week. This is not a volunteer position, rather a paid position. This is the first job I've had since I became pregnant with my girls. Well, I babysit for my landlord at least 1 day a week, and have been doing that since my girls were about a year. But to me that doesn't really count.
So 3 people on staff at my church said to me, "I started out cleaning, here." In my mind, I'm saying, "GRRREEEAAATTT!!!!! God, what are you trying to tell me??? That I'm going to be on staff here in the near future???" I certainly don't feel that calling, although God did call me out of a massage therapy career to go to Bible college. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
Change is definitely in the air in my life. And while I don't feel like it is to be on staff at my church other than the cleaning person, I do feel like God is calling me to a new level. He's been trying to deal with me in regards to my marriage~ on many different fronts. (Honey, if you're reading this don't worry, it's all good!) And about my personal life, how I am eating, spending my time, etc.
Some scriptures he's been giving me: Matt. 6:21 ~For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. And today he gave me Col. 3:23-24 ~Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
My Pastor came & talked to me today while I was working. He just wanted to welcome me and in not so many words re-iterate what the Lord had already been telling me in Col. 3:23-24. It was nice to hear the encouragement and reinforcement.
God is soooo good. Hope you are having a blessed life. (btw~ that doesn't mean it will be trouble free.) I am praying for you.
Oh, yeah & just so you didn't think I forgot; it is amazing to me that it has been 8 years since 9-11. I was getting ready for work when all the commotion started, yep, life can definitely be surreal at times.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago