You may have noticed I added a new blog to my list of "blogs that inspire me." I've been reading this blog for quite awhile actually & should have added it a long time ago. Forgive me for not doing so, but I am now going to encourage you to go check out Joe Sangl. My girlfriend nick-named him "Dave Ramsey lite." Either way, whether you read Joe or you need a lot more detail & need to read Dave Ramsey - go do it. This stuff works- well, it works if you are at your "I have had enough" point.
Let me just tell you it has all been God, but my husband has been unemployed (and is still) since the end of June, and we have managed to drop debt even during this very difficult time.
On another note, another blog I read that is usually very comical is Because I Said So; she has 6 children, 3 of each. She has a review blog & well, a lot of people read her. She's kind of like the next "Erma Bombeck." She posted a few weeks ago about a giveaway on another blog, so I hopped on over to check it out. And guess what happened?! I WON! I WON!! I WON!!! (Great,~ now I have another blog to add to my list of blogs I read. Just kidding, Rick!)I won a doodle drawing from Rick over at Organized Doodles. He posted rules as to what we could pick for a doodle so I picked this one titled: Holy Ghost Riders ~Doesn't it look great!~
I have to explain, my husband & I both ride motorcycles; a passion I got my husband into. In fact I created a monster, but it is a good one. We are also Christians, meaning we believe in & do our best to follow Jesus Christ & his Word. So I thought that while ALL Rick's drawings were great, Holy Ghost Riders was the most apropos for me. The original post has this scripture -Matthew 3:11. Unfortunately he left it off the doodle he sent me, but that's okay. Thanks Rick! I absolutely love the doodle & when the finances return I plan on getting more.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago